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From reasoning and writing and ethics to classical etiquette for young folks, everything Axis Academy offers and teaches is designed to build for future generations.  Having been both a former professor for the University of Wisconsin, teaching writing, moral argument, and writing, and a pastor focusing on Reformed Scriptural analysis, I believe that traditional faith and family and classical learning are what we are designed for, and we aim to help.  Our course offerings are designed to learn at your own pace in an engaging, interactive, and university-tested modality so you get the most out of your time and experience with what we produce.  Check out our current offering below!



An Occident Waiting to Happen covers the classical Hero's Journey, a literary exploration of human design for discovery and establishment of home. It is a course in archetypes, symbolism, and fantastic books that invites the student to write their own future by reflecting on the stories that have built the world we inherit today.

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Moral Combat is a course in fundamental reasoning and logic, and trains the student to analyze, respond to, and craft arguments based on ethics. It begins with Aristotle's breakdown of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos, and divides argument types accordingly to hone one's ability to think logically and clearly in a world with little of either.

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This comprehensive course covers narrative structure, character archetypes, plot, thematic, and character arcs, and pretty much everything else you'd want to know about the fundamental art of storytelling through examination of masterful examples from great books and other mediums,

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Want to publish a novel (or other book) but feel incapable of editing, formatting, ISBN registry, and all the other trappings of production? We'll take you step-by-step through the process and show you options all along the way, not to mention giving you formatting and document skills to improve the drafting process. 

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Rise Above has traditionally been formatted as a youth retreat geared toward (wait for it) training young adults and teens in classical manners and etiquette. Seriously. It has now been adapted as a standard course for your benefit! The curriculum focuses on conduct, the reasons for its invention and principles on which manners were founded. 

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Whither the Promised Land is an exploration on my own niche background of Utopian Literature. If you have any interest in historical concepts of paradise and idyllic society, from religious imagery to sociological concepts, this course if for you. I've read every major utopian work ever written so that you don't have to!

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The Last Day & Other Such Tomorrows is a course on the three dominant views of Eschatology: Pre-Millennialism, Post-Millennialism, and A-Millennialism, their histories, Biblical supports, and effects in the contemporary Christian church. This is an overview course, and does not hold to a specific perspective.

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Through a Lens Darkly covers all the "wildest" stuff in Scripture, from giants and fallen angels and demons and cosmic geography and the spiritual symbolism and language in the Bible. It covers everything from the ancient understanding of the devil to the deeper spiritual worldview landscape of the Christian faith.

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Great Books is actually a collection of short, three-episode classes on ... well, great books!  Originally components of larger classes, these dives into specific texts can be explored on their own, offering background, context in history, themes, and various analysis and appreciation for the books that built the western world.

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Gods of Our Fathers is Part I of a series of courses on Biblical history as it relates to the two fundamental "Roads from Eden," the two fundamental roads to restore and reclaim paradise. This part covers the Ancient World, from angels and giants and towers to empires and mystery religions. It'll be a wild ride!

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Strangers in Paradise is Part II of a series of courses on Biblical history as it relates to the two fundamental roads to restore and reclaim paradise. This part covers the Renaissance and following generations, from the Scientific Revolution and Great Awakening to the discovery of the New World.

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Fields of the Fatherless is Part III of a series of courses on Biblical history as it relates to the two fundamental roads to restore and reclaim paradise. This part covers the degradation of Western culture over the past 150 years, from family structure to art and architecture, and the need to reclaim what has been lost.

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